We’re a proud signatory of the
United Nations Global Compact.
Launched in 2000, the United Nations (UN) Global Compact is the largest business network in the world.
We are
Making a
Our contribution to
The 16
Critically &

We’re a proud signatory of the
United Nations Global Compact.
Launched in 2000, the United Nations (UN) Global Compact is the largest business network in the world. We’re one of 20,000+ companies, from 160+ countries, with passion and commitment for responsible business practices.
Operating on a set of universally accepted principles, the compact covers everything from human rights and labour to environment and anti-corruption.
Commercial joined the UN Global Compact in 2021 because we wanted to showcase our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices. Commercial has embedded the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact into strategies and operations, and committed to respecting human and labour rights, safeguarding the environment, and working against corruption in all its forms.
Making an international difference
Every business has a global impact, whether directly through its operations or simply by being part of the supply chain. Without knowing your impact, how can you make a difference?
As a business with wide-reaching networks, we want to take responsibility and create positive action. Our participation with the UN Global Compact, our commitment to its Sustainable Development Goals, and our memberships and certifications, all serve to keep us accountable and ambitious in making meaningful change.

The United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals
In 2015 every member state of the United Nations came together to sign a landmark document. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity, for people and the planet, now and into the future.”
It’s built around 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), each an urgent call for action in itself. But the need for simultaneous action ties them together.
Ending poverty and deprivation must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – whilst at the same time tackling climate change and preserving our oceans and forests.
At Commercial, we have embedded and contribute towards 16 SDGs.
We continually review and assess our progress against industry standards and our own objectives, striving to make continual improvements year over year.

No poverty
By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere and halve the number of people in any type of poverty. Provide equal rights to economic resources and basic human services.
How we are contributing:
· World Bicycle Relief Partnership | · Cool Earth Charity |

Zero hunger
By 2030, end hunger and ensure all people access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food all year round. Double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers.
How we are contributing:
· Breakfast club at foundation · Cool earth coffee |
· Trussell trust donations |

Good health & wellbeing
By 2030, reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by one third. Treat and promote mental health and wellbeing. Achieve universal health coverage. Halve the number of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.
How we are contributing:
· Employee counselling service · Mental health first aiders · Cpr training · Employee life insurance |
· Help at hand app · Charity of the year · Fleet services training · Versus arthritis bike ride |

Quality education
By 2030, ensure equal access to all education including university. Substantially increase the skill base of technical and vocational skills, and eliminate gender (or any other) disparity. Ensure that every child achieves literacy and numeracy.
How we are contributing:
· Commercial foundation · Apprenticeship levy · Change champions |
· It schools africa · Learning days · Dear world workshops · Stem ambassadors |

Gender equality
End all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere. Recognise and value unpaid care and domestic work. Get more women into leadership roles. Adopt and strengthen policies and legislation.
How we are contributing:
· Women in technology strategy · Stem ambassadors |
· Maternity pay increase

Clean water & sanitation
By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all. End open defecation. Pay special attention to the needs of women, girls, and those in vulnerable situations.
How we are contributing:
· Toilet twinning |
· Hey girls… Products in our toilets |

Affordable & clean energy
By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy, research, and tech. Increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, modern energy.
How we are contributing:
· London hydrogen · On-site renewables · Green technology portfolio · Cycle to work scheme |
· Locity · 100% renewable electricity · Ev salary sacrifice |

Decent work & economic growth
By 2030, achieve full and productive employment for everybody. Increase youth employment, education, and training. Eradicate forced labour, child labour, modern slavery, and human trafficking. Protect labour rights and safe working.
How we are contributing:
· Products with purpose · Commercial foundation · Disability confident employer |
· Flexible working · Employee volunteering days · Living wage employer · Eti, ecovadis, sedex membership |

Industry, innovation & infrastructure
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure.
How we are contributing:
· Low carbon deliveries · Power bi · Ev charging solution |
· Green technology · Hydrogen & electric vans |

Reduced inequalities
By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic, and political inclusion of all. Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome. Adopt policies – especially fiscal, wage, and social protection – which achieve equality.
How we are contributing:
· Living wage employer · Gender neutral toilets · Hey girls… toiletries |
· Edi learning and charity days · Menopause in the workplace |

Sustainable cities and communities
By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management.
How we are contributing:
· Study with kings college |
· Clean van commitment · Ev company fleet strategy |

Responsible consumption & production
By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. Achieve environmentally sound management of chemicals and waste and reduce their release to air, water, and soil. Achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
How we are contributing:
· Zero waste to landfill · First mile partnership · London recycling · Social impact report · Iso14001 |
· London notbox · Battery recycling · Remanufactured toner · Products with purpose · Carbon disclosure project |

Climate action
Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning. Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning.
How we are contributing:
· The planet mark, eden project · Employee offsetting |
· Net zero 2028 · Dear world · Vegetarian policy and veganuary |

Life below water
By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities including marine debris and nutrient pollution. Index of coastal eutrophication and plastic debris density.
How we are contributing:
· Sup free product aisle |

Life on land
Ensure the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems – in particular forests, wetlands, mountains, and drylands. Promote sustainable management of all types of forests and increase afforestation. Take urgent action to reduce habitat degradation and halt the loss of biodiversity – including preventing extinctions.
How we are contributing:
· Sustainable paper strategy · Biodiversity projects. |
· Perivale woods · Tree planting days · Verified offset credits. |

Partnerships for the goals
Enhance policy coherence for sustainability development. Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development to support the achievement of the sdgs in all countries – particularly developing nations.
How we are contributing:
· Csr & supplier days
· Sustainability consultancy · Un global compact signatory · Young persons gloucestershire |
· Sbti
· Social value · Commercial foundation |
Why benchmarking matters
Benchmarking the SDGs is important for measuring progress towards achieving them. That’s true for us and individual organisations, but also for the picture it helps to build globally.
Recording and reporting on progress helps to identify which countries are on track and which may need additional support in order to achieve the goals. It also allows for comparison between different countries and regions, and can provide insights into how different policies and approaches are working. Benchmarking is a key component of effective SDG implementation, as it allows for an understanding of the current status of progress, and provides a basis for improving implementation strategies and targeting resources.
Critically & independently reviewed
Being independently assessed keeps us accountable in our global action. With impartial credibility, plus community support, we get the validation and resources to strive for further impact.
The Planet Mark community of businesses commit to reducing their environmental impact, setting and tracking targets, and communicating their efforts to stakeholders.
Weaver is a sustainability certification framework relating to carbon footprint reduction, waste management, single-use packaging, sustainable products and social responsibility.
Carbon Neutrality is an international certification and offsetting service, which helps organisations offset their carbon footprint.
EcoVadis is the world’s largest independent provider of business sustainability ratings
Loop, a partner of Social Value UK and Social Value International, is a platform that independently calculates our social, economic, and environmental value.

In order to achieve certification, businesses must measure and report their carbon footprint annually and set a target to reduce it 5% year-on-year.
They must also identify opportunities to reduce their environmental impact and develop an action plan to achieve their targets. Furthermore, businesses must demonstrate a commitment to engaging employees and stakeholders in their sustainability efforts, and to communicating their progress publicly.
Five of the main requirements are:
- Reduction of carbon emissions
- Measurement and reporting of carbon emissions
- Commitment to sustainability
- Engagement of employees in sustainability initiatives
- Audit of the organisation‘s carbon footprint, energy use and waste management.
Commercial regularly exceed these requirements.
Achieved a 66% reduction in 2021
Achieved a 6.6% reduction in 2020
Exceeded the 5% savings requirement multiple times
Certified since 2017

Weaver is a sustainability certification program developed and managed by Office Friendly, a worldwide provider of office products and services.
Weaver is a sustainability certification program that helps businesses to measure, manage, and reduce their environmental impact across five aspects of sustainability:
- Carbon footprint
- Single use plastic initiatives
- Social responsibility
- Sustainable products
- Waste management.
The program‘s focus is on reducing waste and energy consumption, as well as promoting responsible purchasing and recycling practices. It also provides businesses with resources and guidance to help them implement sustainable practices in their operations.
Reduced 700 tCO2e in 2021
Zero waste to landfill since 2013
Certified Gold since 2021
PWP Range since 2020

Carbon Neutral is a global climate solutions company that helps governments, businesses, and individuals reduce their carbon emissions.
They specialise in carbon offsetting, carbon management, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainability reporting. Carbon Neutral works with organisations around the world to reduce their climate impact through carbon neutral initiatives and low–carbon energy solutions.
Five requirements of the program are:
- Develop a comprehensive carbon emissions reduction plan
- Measure and monitor carbon emissions
- Establish targets and goals for reducing emissions
- Implement strategies to achieve targets
- Regularly report and review progress on emissions reduction.
We’ve been Carbon Neutral since 2006. We reduce our emissions and only offset everything that we can’t avoid.
Our carbon intensity has reduced by 89%, since 2006
Offset 11,281 Tonnes since 2006

EcoVadis is a global provider of business sustainability ratings, intelligence, and collaborative performance improvement tools for global supply chains.
The company’s mission is to accelerate sustainable performance improvement in global supply chains. The company works with more than 75,000 suppliers worldwide and over 300 multinational companies.
Five requirements of the program are:
- Compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards
- Demonstration of responsible and ethical behavior
- Management of environmental, health and safety risks
- Promotion of sustainable practices in the supply chain
- Effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders.
We joined EcoVadis as a customer in 2016 and, in 2020, we became a listed supplier. We’re assessed for our work, actions and results across four areas of sustainability: environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
Assessed by 450 experts
Currently in the top 5% of all suppliers
Awarded Gold Medal of Achievement
We are aiming for Platinum status

Loop’s National Social Value Standard (SVS) uses the latest academic research and best practice government guidance (for example, HM Treasury Green Book) to robustly develop metrics and valuations that capture wide-ranging social, environmental and economic impacts.
Loop aims to make Commercial’s Social Value and Social Return on Investment the most robust and accurate in the social value space.
5 requirements in the organisation are:
- Commitment to sustainability
- Collaboration
- Innovation
- Education
- Accountability.
Our goal is to improve year-on-year as part of our long-term strategy
128 new jobs created in 2022
In 2021, for every £1 of income, we created £1.85 of social value
Global action
memberships & pledges
We’re helping to make London a global leader in clean hydrogen use.
Global action certificates
We’re proud of our certifications, which underpin the efforts we make and ensure we are using the right processes to continue our high-impact initiatives.
We are proud to have been 100% Carbon Neutral since 2007, and have been actively supporting nature–based solutions to climate change and other environmental challenges.
We have certification from the British Standards Institution (BSI) to meet the standards of ISO 14001. This certification demonstrates our commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability.
We have implemented a British Standards Institution (BSI) certified quality management system to ensure that our products and services adhere and are compliant with all relevant regulations .
We use a British Standards Institution (BSI) certified information management system to ensure that our data is managed in the most efficient and secure manner possible.
Progress in action
From the sourcing of everyday office supplies, to renewable energy strategies, and encouraging inclusivity, there are countless ways that our colleagues and clients are acting to improve sustainability.

Products with Purpose
Launched in 2019, the range includes ethically sourced, environmentally conscious items and we offer a variety of sustainable, low–impact alternatives to everyday products, like recycled notepads and biodegradable cleaning products. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are constantly looking for new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and promote ethical practices throughout our supply chain, with a percentage of every sale going to our Commercial Foundation.

Renewable energy
Commercial offers a range of renewable solutions including different solar technologies, from rooftop solar, to solar flooring, solar carports & canopies, and solar fabrics. We also offer small wind turbines if solar is not a viable option. Plus, we can offer a variety of battery storage solutions to help create a circular energy system and reduce grid dependency. Our mission is to create a better future for all by providing solutions that are both economically and ecologically sound.

Women in tech
We are dedicated to helping female students achieve their ambitions in the STEM field and are passionate about creating a more diverse and inclusive environment. Our Change Champions programme provides a range of activities to bring this vision to life, from engaging workshops to inspiring school talks and financial support from the apprenticeship levy. We strive to create a positive and supportive atmosphere for female students, equipping them with the resources and skills they need to unlock the potential of a STEM career.
Frequently asked questions
If you’d like to know a little more about the United Nations Global Compact, here’s the lowdown.
What is the United Nations Global Compact?
The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that encourages businesses to align their operations and strategies with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
What are the core principles of the Global Compact?
The core principles of the Global Compact are human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.
What is the Global Compact Network?
The Global Compact Network is a network of Global Compact Local Networks and other stakeholders that are actively engaged in advancing the ten principles of the Global Compact.
What is the role of the Global Compact in supporting sustainable development?
The Global Compact supports sustainable development by encouraging businesses to adopt responsible business practices that are in line with the ten principles.
Who is involved in the Global Compact?
The Global Compact involves businesses, civil society organisations, trade unions, and other stakeholders.
What are the benefits of joining the Global Compact?
The benefits of joining the Global Compact include increased access to resources, tools, and networks, improved corporate responsibility, and enhanced reputation.
How does the Global Compact encourage responsible business practices?
The Global Compact encourages responsible business practices through a range of activities and initiatives, such as the Caring for Climate initiative, the Global Compact Cities Programme, and the Global Compact Leadership Programme.
How is the Global Compact different from other international initiatives?
The Global Compact is the only international initiative that focuses solely on corporate responsibility and encourages businesses to adopt a global approach to responsible business practices
Send our SUSTAINABILITY team a message
making our company more environmentally conscious
In an era where the importance of environmental consciousness cannot be overstated, our Sustainability Team has risen to the challenge with unwavering commitment and innovative thinking. Led by their passion for creating a better and more sustainable future, they have implemented strategies that not only benefit our company but also contribute to the greater good.

Simone Hindmarch
Co-founder and managing director