Hiding in plain sight
Automation and the age of digital maturity

Alastair Adams
Co-founding Director
In this, our first Insight article of 2025, Alastair Adams takes time out to reflect on the positive impact hyperautomation continues to have on our daily lives.
Fast world, faster progress
The post-Christmas period can often be associated with a slower pace. Everyone is feeling a few stone heavier and experiencing a comedown from the spirit of giving and merriness. But when it comes to returning an unwanted Christmas present from a distant aunt, things have never been faster. In this increasingly digital-first world, there is often no longer a need to meticulously fill out return forms. It has become commonplace for returns to be as easy as using your phone to scan a QR code. The code will similarly be scanned at the post office, giving everyone involved the necessary information and digital receipts to ensure a seamless return.
The evolution of this process and the ease with which we can now send back any unnecessary or faulty items got me thinking about how much quicker, how streamlined our world has become in so many aspects. We have become accustomed to the removal of manual processes and physical inputs in our daily lives. From bills and bank statements to looking at menus and ordering in restaurants. QR codes and digitised processes are everywhere. While they may not have entirely replaced paper and manual inputting, it certainly seems like everything is focused around speeding up these processes and taking as much responsibility out of our hands as possible.
While this might be a fairly visible transition in our daily lives, in the business world, many of these changes have been occurring in the background. This evolution can be almost invisible to those who might not know where to look or how to spot the changes.
AI and hyperautomation
One glance at any technology related article over the past few years and it can start to feel like AI has slowly crept into every facet of our daily lives and businesses. This may seem like a recent phenomenon, but the fact of the matter is AI has been improving our lives both visibly and invisibly for quite some time now.
When it comes to process automation, AI can help to improve, streamline and ultimately transform our capabilities. The concept of automating everything within an organisation that can possibly be automated is known as “hyperautomation”. Hyperautomation is greatly dependent upon businesses embracing the capabilities of AI, robotic process automation (RPA) and machine learning.
Digital automation of processes has been present in the world of technology for decades now. This form of automation adheres to a structure which we put in place. There are clear parameters and pre-defined rules that must be followed by the computer programmes being used. But hyperautomation, where AI is involved, is unstructured and not put to use in order to perform repetitive tasks. AI is used to mimic humans at the intellectual level. This form of automation involves machines learning tasks through identifying patterns. It is therefore far more complex and has a wider range of abilities.
We are in the midst of experiencing hyperautomation in our daily lives, as I pointed out earlier, with digital processes replacing the manual across society. In the five years since the phrase was coined by Gartner, AI has steadily, even rapidly in some cases, improved our pre-existing ability to automate previously time-consuming and mundane tasks. Embracing this method of technological evolution can free up the time of individuals within organisations to complete more fulfilling and meaningful work.
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Want to learn more about how to level up your process automation?
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Our hyperautomation experience
At Commercial, we have implemented process automation across a number of departments. This includes invoicing and accounts payable. We are embracing an AI solution which is fully cloud based. This allows us to remove the human touchpoint that was required to process 10,000 invoices every month. This solution offers a clean user experience and the ability to configure complex line item details. The platform can separate multiple invoices in one document into individual invoices both automatically and manually.
This system, through the use of AI, has the autonomy to fully reject invoices. It places them in an exceptions queue until they are resolved. This additional functionality enables us to support the growth of Commercial. It also vastly improves accuracy and efficiency, without needing to increase staff overheads.
We preach these solutions to our clients, but we’re also not afraid to walk the walk ourselves. Many companies dealing with a similar volume of invoices each month have automated the process to some extent. But through the implementation of AI based solutions, accounts payable can be made into an even more efficient area of your business.
Enhancing our processes with hyperautomation also means enhancing our client experience. In the same way that quick, easy and automated returns means we are more likely to shop somewhere, a quick and easy invoicing process means that clients will want to work with us again. Only dealing with the few anomalies, making it easier to do business with us is a key aspect of hyperautomation. Freeing up time for your team to focus on more meaningful and fulfilling work also means that staff will want to come and work for your organisation. Not only that, it also makes them more likely to stay.
What’s coming next for hyperautomation?
What does the future look like as AI continues to shape and improve process automation across the board? The hyperautomation market is expected to almost triple by 2030, so the obvious trend to look out for will be increased capabilities for streamlining processes without the need for human intervention. This will lead to even greater efficiency and productivity. With further integration of systems, there will also be an increased focus on security and compliance. If everything is linked and interconnected, it will be more important than ever that these systems are protected. The highest possible security standards will need to be upheld to avoid potentially disastrous consequences.
More importance is also being placed on the role of data and analytics. This will play a crucial part in the improvement of existing systems. With less human touchpoints required, employee capabilities will be further augmented and efficiency will grow even further. AI will continue to improve rather than replace and in time, people will no longer succumb to a ‘fear of the unknown’. This will occur as we see productivity improve while roles remain secure. This shift in attitude could become even more rapid as people more readily accept the notion that workplace technology should be treated not just as a tool, but as a colleague too.
Need advice on increasing process automation across your business?
Contact us for expert guidance.
hyperautomation has shifted from an option to a condition of survival.
Fabrizio Biscotti
Research vice president at Gartner
A condition of survival
In 2021 Fabrizio Biscotti, research vice president at Gartner, stated that, “hyperautomation has shifted from an option to a condition of survival.” In this digital-first world that we inhabit, these words ring truer than ever.
Organisations must continue to embrace the evolution of process automation and the inclusion of AI. This is a crucial cog in the machine of daily business processes.
Harking back to the beginning of this article, everything in our lives seems geared towards digitisation and the increased speed that comes with this.
As Biscotti alludes to, it’s a case of keep up or get left behind for humans and businesses alike. If organisations refuse to see the light, like the grandparent who refuses to learn how to scan a QR code, they will quickly find themselves out of the loop.
Other areas of interest
We offer more than just AI support: our specialists are here to maximise the potential of your business, enhance efficiency, and create a smarter, safer business environment for you.

Managed print services
Getting the paperwork right and boosting your productivity.

Information management
Look after your data and your data will look after you.

Process automation
Speed up tasks, reduce human error, and make your workplace more productive.