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Greywater Recycling for greener building management

Hot dry summers and rising populations mean we need to start using less water now.

London is set to suffer from a shortfall of water of 414 million litres a day by 2040.


Greywater harvesting systems can reduce a commercial building’s water consumption by up to 50%.

The University of Manchester has one of the UK’s largest greywater harvesting systems, saving up to 4.5 million litres of water each year.


As patterns of rainfall change, water becomes an even more precious resource


Since 2019, the UK has experienced its three worst years on record for water shortages. And with commercial buildings often consuming millions of litres per year, the need to conserve and recycle used water is increasing in importance.

Greywater recycling is the process of capturing, filtering and re-using the water that we wash away from basins, baths and showers and other suitable sources, to be re-used for flushing toilets, irrigating gardens, or filling swimming pools, for instance.

That’s good for the planet’s resources, reduces your carbon footprint, lowers water bills and demonstrates an organisation’s sustainability commitments.

Expert advice

Commercial’s sustainability consultants work with clients to evaluate the most suitable greywater recycling system for their premises, oversee installation and monitor system effectiveness.

Integrated approach

Commercial’s long track record in sustainability and broad expertise means we are perfectly placed to help clients consider their greywater harvesting within a company-wide sustainability plan. We never forget there’s a big picture to consider, as well as meticulous project detail.

Technical knowledge

Our experts bring the technical knowledge to design a greywater recycling system that works with your building. Whether designing from scratch for a new-build off- plan, or retrofitting to existing buildings.

Customised designs

Your buildings and your water consumption will be unique to your organisation. Whether office space or hotel, university or manufacturing plant, our team will work with you to provide a customised solution that’s scalable as your needs grow or change.

Pushing water uphill?

Greywater recycling is growing in take-up, but it does present some challenges for organisations to overcome.

Lack of knowledge
Not yet commonplace in most sectors, many businesses are unfamiliar with the concept of greywater recycling and may not understand how it works or the potential financial and environmental savings it can provide.
Technical complexity
Greywater recycling systems can be complex, and if it’s difficult to understand the technical aspects of the systems being considered then it’s hard to choose the right system, and to ensure that it is installed and maintained correctly.
Limited availability
While the technology is becoming more widespread, it may still be difficult to find experienced consultants or suppliers in some regions, which can limit options for clients.
Regulatory compliance
Navigating regulatory compliance is time consuming and intricate, with different regulations in different areas. Our experts will guide you through – ensuring that you are operating your system in compliance with local regulations.
While the technology can provide significant savings over time, the initial investment required to install a system can be high, which may deter some clients from pursuing this option. We can advise on scalable projects, as well as sources for government incentives, or green funding options.

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our word for it…

Commercial deliver. We are fortunate to work with some amazing partners. Here are some examples of great things we hear every day.

The Tesco procurement team have been delighted with the way Commercial share our desire to entrench sustainability into our supply chain – we really are kindred spirits. Our ethical and sustainability policies are of paramount importance to our reputation and the Commercial team reviewed and approved all products in a short timeframe. Commercial are already committed to the ETI base code and are working on achieving EcoVadis accreditation for all suppliers on the Tesco account.


A flush of positive outcomes


Greywater recycling is a key component of sustainable building design and management. Engaging Commercial’s expert team of consultants in your project will bring benefits for years to come.

Sustainability goals

We’ll get to know your organisation and sustainability goals, so that every project we undertake is a step towards meeting your environmental ambitions.

Carbon footprint
Greywater harvesting systems have been found to reduce carbon emissions by up to 25%, according to Waterwise, helping you move towards Net Zero targets.
Supporting standards
Through using our greywater recycling solutions, you can also add points to sustainable building standards such as BREEAM or LEED.
Holistic system design
We help you to take a more holistic and integrated approach to greywater recycling and sustainable building design that takes into account the full range of building systems and their interdependencies.


Steps to effective greywater harvesting



Getting to know your specific requirements, priorities and budget.



A solution that fits your needs, across all your sites and buildings.



Working with our leading industry partners, we’ll oversee installation using the latest technology.



We’ll provide ongoing support and maintenance services, with excellent customer service.

Click to explore Commercial’s expert advice and achieve sustainable results.

Established in


Don’t just take
our word for it…

Commercial deliver. We are fortunate to work with some amazing partners. Here are some examples of great things we hear every day.

The new Walsall Housing Group office is a fantastic, fresh and modern workplace thanks to the wonderful work of the Commercial interiors team. They created a steering group to work alongside us to understand our demands and held regular meetings during the design process to keep us informed of the progress. Our desire was for a more collaborative space, with meeting booths and one-to-one seating, rather than traditional desks – and they delivered a fantastic final fit-out over the full four-floor building.
Each year, Commercial supplies accessory packs to graduate trainees at a leading accountancy firm, which are then picked, packed, and delivered to their home addresses by the Commercial Foundation. This not only guarantees that every new employee has the necessary equipment to be productive from their first day but also allows their IT team to focus on other responsibilities. Collaborating with the Commercial Foundation generates substantial social value returns on investment for the firm and contributes to improving the lives of the Foundation's volunteers.
Wollens have enjoyed a long-standing and fruitful partnership with Commercial because they are always introducing innovations and improvements to our IT environment. As the threat of cyber-attacks increases it was vital that we strengthened our capabilities for dealing with a ransomware attack with a cloud-based backup solution. Our solution means data cannot be altered or deleted, giving us a crucial way of recovering data to minimise any potential downtime and financial losses
Working with Commercial for our branded materials has proved to be effective and collaborative. The team is efficient and they listen to requests for improvements. Commercial has made branded goods simple.
As E-commerce in retail continues to grow, Commercial’s stock-management and fulfilment expertise has allowed a leading UK retailer to free huge amounts of warehouse space. Commercial took on the stocking of our employee uniform, transferring to a new supplier with the management of the supply being consolidated into their existing supply accounts. Not only did this free vital space in their distribution centre, the consolidated supply of all GNFR delivered significant delivery cost savings.
At JoJo Maman Bébé we are happy to work with the Commercial Foundation and support inspiring work they do to help disadvantaged young adults. Like us, the Foundation are a B Corp certified organisation that is proven to put purpose ahead of profits. We have enjoyed working with their volunteers to help with a mug-making activity. We are now working alongside them to create an introduction gift for our new employees, these include printed mugs, pens and notebooks.


Increase in greywater harvesting in commercial buildings in the UK since 2020


Estimated proportion of wastewater that is greywater, currently discharged into sewers


Innovative designs make greywater recycling viable, whatever your scale.

Advances in technology are creating even greater opportunities for organisations to harvest greywater effectively and monitor the movement and usage of water in their buildings.

Modular systems
Easy to design and install, modular systems are ideal for smaller properties or for clients who want to trial their use in one part of their estate before rolling out more widely over time.
Smart technology
The use of IoT sensors and other advanced technologies make it easy to monitor water quality, adjust the amount of water being recycled and provide real-time data on system performance.
Competitive markets
With demand expected to grow significantly, the market for greywater recycling is expected to expand bringing greater competition, further innovation, lower costs and increased availability.

Frequently Asked Questions

We would love to talk to you more about this subject – here are a few of the most common questions to get you started.

How can greywater recycling be used in commercial buildings?

Greywater recycling in commercial buildings is a sustainable water management technique that reuses wastewater from sources such as showers, sinks, and washing machines for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing, irrigation, and the water in heating or cooling systems. This process helps reduce water consumption and provides a reliable source of water for businesses, reducing their reliance on municipal water sources.

What kind of commercial buildings can recycle greywater?

Nearly any type of commercial building can recycle greywater, such as restaurants, hotels, office buildings, schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and more. Greywater recycling systems are becoming increasingly popular in commercial settings due to their ability to reduce water costs and improve environmental sustainability.

What kind of advice does an ESG Consultancy Service offer for greywater recycling solutions?

Commercial can provide advice on the most suitable greywater recycling systems and technologies, the relevant regulations and legislation to adhere to, possible project costs and budgeting scenarios, and potential environmental impacts that may arise from installing a greywater recycling system. We can also advise on how to monitor and maintain the system.

What are the environmental benefits of recycling greywater in commercial buildings?

Reusing greywater in commercial buildings decreases the amount of fresh water used, which can help reduce water bills and conserve water resources. It’s understood that greywater contains nutrients that can be used to fertilise plants, resulting in healthier and more resilient landscapes.


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