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Apps to boost your productivity

Enhance your ability to scan, print, and copy with integrated productivity apps.


Productivity apps enable businesses to improve their overall productivity by up to 36%. 


By utilising productivity apps, costs can be reduced by up to 20%.


Document security can be improved by up to 20%, by using productivity apps.


Collaboration between departments has been shown to improve by 25%.


Transforming your printer into a powerhouse.


Printers and Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs) are core systems for most modern businesses.

But new innovations, which allow productivity apps to be installed within the devices, are turning them into much more than just printers, scanners, or copiers. From printing directly from secure cloud storage drives, to scanning files instantly into financial, legal or education record keeping systems, or maybe enabling paid for guest printing within a hotel or conference venue, these apps help users to save significant time and money when completing their daily tasks.

As more apps are released, and more devices equipped to support them, the humble printer is quickly becoming the heart of the office.

Tried, tested, trusted.

We can personally vouch for, and professionally verify, any solution we prescribe.

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Innovative printing heritage

Our hardware and software printing solutions have been a key part of our business for decades.

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Supercharging printers and people with well-chosen apps.

Productivity apps provide new capabilities and integrate existing ones into a more centralised solution. By eliminating everyday steps from manual workflows, your business becomes a more efficient machine. 

The big five challenges of productivity apps:


Finding the right apps, with the right compatibility, for the right systems.


Allowing access to third-party systems needs rigorous protection processes.


Your workforce needs to be sufficiently trained to maximise new capabilities.


Licenses need to be chosen carefully to avoid paying for unnecessary capabilities.


Avoiding systems with integrations and abilities you’ll pay for but won’t use.

Click now for Commercial’s expert advice and supercharge your business growth.

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Independent market resellers

With access to a broad cohort of manufacturers and developers in the marketplace, we’ll propose what we genuinely think will be the best technology for the job – rather than it being all we can sell. Our extensive product list as a multi-brand reseller means we can specify solutions with the most appropriate functionality, connectivity, and productivity benefits.

Alastair Adams


Company Layout

Productivity in pursuit of sustainability.

Your eco-friendliness is one of the most important components of any project we’ll work with you on.

And one of the best ways to cut your carbon footprint is to economise effort and reduce waste. We can help you find ways to become more sustainable by simply making small changes in the way you work.


of businesses reduced paper waste when using productivity apps.


of businesses reduced their energy consumption with productivity apps.

Don’t just take
our word for it…

Commercial deliver. We are fortunate to work with some amazing partners. Here are some examples of great things we hear every day.

Newland Homes has consistently found Commercial to be an ethical and transparent company, providing sound advice and actively collaborating with us to develop our IT strategy over the years. Our businesses have grown together in a measured and pragmatic way, navigating the developments and challenges in the ever-changing world of IT over the past 15 years. Currently, we are working on a roadmap to transition fully into a cloud environment, the Modern Workplace. We are excited about this prospect and firmly believe that we have the right partner to lead and guide us.

A vision for the future that’s

Cutting time at the cutting edge

Innovators are leading the charge for advances in the integration of productivity apps with automated printing and scanning technology. We expect to see this ripple out more widely in the next few years, making it possible for users to remove even more manual steps from everyday processes.

In a vision for our future digital workspaces, data recognition and intelligent scanning will pair with productivity apps, so that when a user is copying a handwritten document, the system can also translate it into a digital file of typed copy, saved in the cloud for later use.

More productivity apps will also be using artificial intelligence for unique automated tasks. Developments in AI will mean that, as users scan their notes to protect and store them, those notes can be summarised and formatted into shorter versions – to save reading and research time.  

It’s only a matter of time, and we’ll be bringing the proven tech to our clients – when it’s been tested, de-glitched and ready to make life simpler.


Our process

How we work


Discover & assess 

First, we listen to your requirements, audit your physical and digital setup, and establish your current practice. 


Consult & advise

We’ll consult your key stakeholders and make recommendations to meet your needs and budget. 


Design & test 

Future state design options are presented, and a route chosen for piloting proof of concept.  


Implement & control

Then we manage the process of rolling out software, hardware and processes, from start to finish. 


Review & optimise 

Once implemented we review; checking the solution meets the original goals and adjusting as required. 


Innovate & grow 

As partners, we’re here to flex as your needs evolve; taking the same project to additional departments or advising on another aspect of your digital workspace 

Established in


Don’t just take
our word for it…

Commercial deliver. We are fortunate to work with some amazing partners. Here are some examples of great things we hear every day.

The Tesco procurement team have been delighted with the way Commercial share our desire to entrench sustainability into our supply chain – we really are kindred spirits. Our ethical and sustainability policies are of paramount importance to our reputation and the Commercial team reviewed and approved all products in a short timeframe. Commercial are already committed to the ETI base code and are working on achieving EcoVadis accreditation for all suppliers on the Tesco account.
The new Walsall Housing Group office is a fantastic, fresh and modern workplace thanks to the wonderful work of the Commercial interiors team. They created a steering group to work alongside us to understand our demands and held regular meetings during the design process to keep us informed of the progress. Our desire was for a more collaborative space, with meeting booths and one-to-one seating, rather than traditional desks – and they delivered a fantastic final fit-out over the full four-floor building.
Each year, Commercial supplies accessory packs to graduate trainees at a leading accountancy firm, which are then picked, packed, and delivered to their home addresses by the Commercial Foundation. This not only guarantees that every new employee has the necessary equipment to be productive from their first day but also allows their IT team to focus on other responsibilities. Collaborating with the Commercial Foundation generates substantial social value returns on investment for the firm and contributes to improving the lives of the Foundation's volunteers.
Wollens have enjoyed a long-standing and fruitful partnership with Commercial because they are always introducing innovations and improvements to our IT environment. As the threat of cyber-attacks increases it was vital that we strengthened our capabilities for dealing with a ransomware attack with a cloud-based backup solution. Our solution means data cannot be altered or deleted, giving us a crucial way of recovering data to minimise any potential downtime and financial losses
Working with Commercial for our branded materials has proved to be effective and collaborative. The team is efficient and they listen to requests for improvements. Commercial has made branded goods simple.
As E-commerce in retail continues to grow, Commercial’s stock-management and fulfilment expertise has allowed a leading UK retailer to free huge amounts of warehouse space. Commercial took on the stocking of our employee uniform, transferring to a new supplier with the management of the supply being consolidated into their existing supply accounts. Not only did this free vital space in their distribution centre, the consolidated supply of all GNFR delivered significant delivery cost savings.
At JoJo Maman Bébé we are happy to work with the Commercial Foundation and support inspiring work they do to help disadvantaged young adults. Like us, the Foundation are a B Corp certified organisation that is proven to put purpose ahead of profits. We have enjoyed working with their volunteers to help with a mug-making activity. We are now working alongside them to create an introduction gift for our new employees, these include printed mugs, pens and notebooks.

Click here to transform your business with Commercial’s expert advice.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Need to know more about productivity apps? Here are some of the questions we get asked most frequently. If we haven’t answered yours, get in touch and we can do so directly.

What are productivity apps?

Like the apps you use on your phone, to speed up tasks and save time, productivity apps can be installed on printers and MFDs. They seek to remove unnecessary steps from your workflow, by performing tasks like automatically uploading your scanned documents to your cloud drive.

What are the benefits of productivity apps?

They are designed to provide users with a more convenient and efficient experience, whilst enabling greater connectivity and integration that saves time by removing unnecessary workflow steps.

By including user authentication and single-sign-on (SSO), they enhance security whilst simplifying access.

Ultimately, they are intended to increase user productivity and satisfaction with the device and the business process or task.

Can I install apps on my current printer?

It very much depends on the make and model of your device and whether the manufacturer has implemented an app ecosystem.

Contact Commercial to discuss what you have and what you’d like to achieve, so we can confirm the options that are available to you.

What productivity apps are available?

There are lots of apps available and more are coming out almost daily. Some of the most common are cloud storage (integrating with services like SharePoint, Google Drive, and Dropbox), legal (iManage, Clio, and Leap), and finance (Xero, Safe, and QuickBooks.) to highlight just a few.


Other areas of interest

We offer more than just software support: our specialists are here to maximise the potential of your business, enhance efficiency, and create a smarter, safer business environment for you.

Print Room Technology

Take your print room to the next level with our comprehensive technology services. Our solutions empower your business with efficient document processing, high-quality output, and seamless workflow management.

Print Management

Simplify your print processes with our comprehensive print management services. Our solutions encompass print tracking, secure printing, and customisable workflows to enhance efficiency and reduce waste.

Device Security

Enhance the security of your business printing environment with our tailored device security services. From encryption to access controls, we provide peace of mind for your print infrastructure.